April 21, 2008 - Mommy's sidekick! Aniston likes to help when I cook dinner by putting her feet in the sink and playing with the water. This particular day, however, went a little farther than her feet.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
April 24, 2008 - I know that I am biased, but I swear our little bug is so smart. As I was cleaning up, Aniston took it upon herself to bring all of her Noah's Ark animals from the toy room downstairs and line them up in a perfect semi-circle, with their respective partner. Additionally, she matched the little green elephant up with the mommy and daddy elephant...I was so proud!

Tulip Festival 2008
April 19, 2008 - We ventured out on a VERY WINDY spring afternoon to visit the tulip festival at Thanksgiving Point. Although the flowers were somewhat sparse this year, Aniston took it upon herself to pick one of the few tulips that were in bloom. She probably wasn't supposed to do it, but we sure thought it was funny.
Yeah! We found a stick!
Grandma and Aniston
Although you can't see or hear the harp, Aniston danced and danced and danced!
April 19, 2008 - We ventured out on a VERY WINDY spring afternoon to visit the tulip festival at Thanksgiving Point. Although the flowers were somewhat sparse this year, Aniston took it upon herself to pick one of the few tulips that were in bloom. She probably wasn't supposed to do it, but we sure thought it was funny.
April 18, 2008 - Our trip to the zoo with Grandma Annie, Kylee, Jen, Ethan, and Boston
Although you can't see them, Aniston was quite excited to see the monkeys.
Aniston and Grandma Annie watching the elephants.
As you can see, the elephants were a big hit. I think anything would have been a hit after the albino alligator. Aniston came out of the exhibit saying, "Alligator scary!"
Although she doesn't look too enthused, she was happy to see the zebra's. However, it took all of thirty seconds to hear, "Mommy, giraffe?!?"
Although you can't see them, Aniston was quite excited to see the monkeys.
April 18, 2008
Despite the fact that Aniston is running away, she was actually very excited to see the mommy and baby giraffe.

Aniston LOVED sitting on the tiger....Raaarrrrrr!

Here's our little monkey. I tell you what, she will climb/swing off anything she can.
Aniston's normal apple juice in her normal sippy cup was more than sub-standard compared to grandma's awesome juice boxes.
Despite the fact that Aniston is running away, she was actually very excited to see the mommy and baby giraffe.
Aniston LOVED sitting on the tiger....Raaarrrrrr!
Monday, April 21, 2008
April 12, 2008 - The many hats of Aniston and Daddy

April 12, 2008 - We are in the process of growing out the bangs so this is the look that Aniston will be sporting for the next couple of months. She is not in to keeping clips in her hair, so we just let it go where it falls. I don't think it matters a whole lot, she is still cute no matter what.
April 12, 2008 - Aniston just tried to go through the doggy door and found Libby waiting anxiously on the other side.
April 12, 2008 - Best buds!
April 9, 2008 - We came into the baby's room to find Aniston relaxing.
April 9, 2008 - Mommy's little helper. I know that pins probably aren't the safest "toy" for a toddler, buy she was fully supervised and had no injuries. The "nesting" phase of pregnancy has more than set in and I was quite set on getting the curtains for the girls' rooms complete. I must say that I am quite pleased with my "crafty" work and it could not have been done without the help of my special helper.

April 8, 2008 - When we got to Grandma and Grandpa's house, Aniston was so excited to run over to the blooming flowers to take a whiff.
April 6, 2008 - We love our new potty! We have found that our new big-girl potty is great for hiding things in and a make-shift stepping stool. I suppose it will take some time to really get into it...the idea of using it for its intended purpose that is. Honestly, I have no real intention of placing a lot of emphasis on using the potty until after little sister arrives...Mommy just doesn't have the energy required to see through every time.

April 6, 2008 - Ansiton and Ethan are really good friends. Occasionally we find the two of them sitting quietly next to each other or quietly kneeling with folded arms ready to pray.
Saturday, April 05, 2008
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