Tuesday, December 27, 2011

December 26, 2011 - Happy 1st Birthday Siri!

December 26, 2011 - Happy Birthday Siri Danielle!  I CANNOT believe a year has come and gone.  Our little Siri is the sweetest, happiest, most layed back kid.  Honestly, the past 12 months have been nothing but a joy having her in our family!  Being such a wonderful kid you think she would get more than a candle in her pancake, but nope.  I'm really going to have to figure out how to make a birthday on the day after Christmas really special, but for now, it was very relaxed.  We did sing to her with her birthday pancake lit :)

 For dinner she enjoyed grilled cheese and grapes...as you can see, she is very easy to please!

Siri is a solid 24 pounds and quite tall as well (compared to where Aniston and Tylar were at this age).  She is in 18 month clothes and is walking everywhere!  In the past week or two her walking really took off.  She loves to play, climb the stairs, and just have any attention she can get.  She is so sweet and snuggly and will snuggle right up into me whenever I hold her. I just can't get enough of her!  Happy Birthday Siri bug! 

December 25, 2011 - Christmas Dresses

December 25, 2011 - I wanted a quick picture of the girls in their matching Christmas dresses.  Here's our first try...
 And here is our second and final try....Merry Christmas!
 A year ago I spent all Christmas day breathing through contractions so we could meet this adorable bug...Oh how we love her!

 Our little Siri bug has the most kissable cheeks!
If you look close you can see some stitches in my cheek. Throughout 2011 I have spent A LOT of time at the hospital. As a result of three surgeries to re-open my airway and having a BRAVO and EGD procedure to see if there was something going on in my stomach/esophagus that may be contributing to the stenosis in my airway, (and as a result of the EGD and biopsy of some tissue I was also diagnosed with Celiac disease in November) I have met my out-of-pocket for the year. That being the case, I have spent the last two months doing all that I can because I don't have to pay for it...hence the stitches to fix up a scar that I have always hated.

December 25, 2011 - Christmas morning

December 25, 2011
Christmas is always more fun and magical with little ones and this year was no exception.
 The girls had to wait down the hall until the camera was ready.  Here was Aniston creeping around the corner to see if Santa came....HE DID!

 The flash on the camera is just too much for Siri.

 The ONLY thing Aniston specifically asked for Christmas from Mommy and Daddy were xia-xia crabs. 
 Whenever I asked Tylar what she wanted for Christmas her answers always included whatever she could physically see at the moment.  For example, when I was doing her hair one morning I asked her what she wanted and her answers included towels, a toothbrush, and more towels.  Needless to say, these kids are pretty easy to please.  Below, the Monster High Dolls where making their debut.

 Grandma Annie, Grandpa Clair, Uncle Tyler, Aunt Liz, and Aunt Kylee joined us for all the Christmas morning festivities.  It was so fun to have them there!

 I know I say this a lot, but Siri is such a pleasant child!  She wasn't interested in tearing any paper to get to her gifts.  She was more than content to just hang out on her box.
 Thanks Santa for the Squinkies.  Who comes up with these toy names anyway?  Squinkies, xia-xia crabs...

 Santa delivered Rapunzel, Flynn Rider, and Maximus for our dear Aniston.

 And litte people Zoo animals for Siri..
Merry Christmas.  It is now December 27th and ALL of our Christmas decorations are cleaned up and put away.  There is a lot of Grandpa Craig in me I guess.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

December 24, 2011 - Christmas Eve!

December 24, 2011 - Happy Christmas Eve!  The girls were SO EXCITED that Johnny Elf stopped by with brand new jammies!  They were really, really excited!
 The girls were so anxious to get to bed so Santa could come.  As you can see, we set out a letter, a special note from Aniston that she made at school, a specially made christmas tree craft, m&m's, an orange, and a carrot for the reindeer.  Yep...all set!  This is what the girls dictated, "Dear Santa, Rudolph and Mrs. Claus and all the other reindeers: Aniston wants a xia-xia crab and a house.  Johnny the elf brought us new jammies.  Mommy and Daddy bringed us brand new mankey sliuppers.  Mommy gave us a new dress and we're so excited!  Thank you for the toys.  We left you a surprise of treats.  Here is a carrot for the reindeer.  Aniston and Tylar
 Johnny Elf brought matchy-matchy jammies for all three of the girls.  Unfortunately a yucky cough and runny nose has been making it's way through all of us.  Poor little Siri is in the thick of it and was not feeling so well :(

 Great Grandma Pat, Great Grandpa Ed, and Aunt Dani joined us for our Christmas Eve dinner and festivities.  It was so fun to have them with us.  Traditionally we go to Grandma Eileen and Grandpa Craig's house for Christmas Eve, but this year they are visiting Tim and Brooke's family in Peru.  

December 21, 2011

December 21, 2011
Aniston has LOVED kindergarten this year!  Mrs. Hansen's class performed a medley of Christmas songs and it was ADORABLE...so much so that I am going to try to attempt to post a video, but not this very moment.  Aniston is sitting right next to her dear friend London.  London is the tallest in her class and Aniston is the shortest.  It is so fun to see them together.
 Before school Aniston told me she was a little nervous for her program, but excited.
 Aniston sang all the words, but was the only one who wouldn't do the actions.  I think she was embarassed because we were there...that's okay, it was so so so cute!

 Grandma Annie and Grandpa Craig came out to support Aniston and we are so grateful for them!

December 12, 2011

December 12, 2011 - Aniston and Tylar were so pleased with the Library they created!  They banned Siri from entering their library....apparently she's not old enough to obtain a library card.

 Here we are...anxiously waiting for Aniston's tumbling recital to start.
 Aniston got to lead out her entire class.  She is on the far left.
 Watch her go!  Although she didn't do it at the recital, Aniston is now quite comfortable with her round-off back hand-spring.

 Way to go bug!  Aniston has a real talent and joy for tumbling.  Tylar Grace is itching to start when she turns 4. Fortunately, Aniston is prepping Tylar and is trying to teach her the ropes.