I spy with my little eye a baby with a broken collar bone. You can't tell from the picture, but poor little Siri broke her collar bone on the left side by basically rolling of the bottom step in the garage. On Thursday night she was starting to crawl up the stairs in the garage and had her feet on the ground and her hands on the first step and then something went amiss. Nothing looked wrong, but we knew by morning that something wasn't right. I took her into the ER at 6:30am and was there for the next 4 hours. She wouldn't use her left arm or stand on her legs....after the initial x-rays they located the break in her collar bone. After several more x-rays of her legs she started walking just fine and they found no breaks or fractures.
There isn't much you can do for a broken collar bone in a toddler because they won't keep it in a sling. She has been such a trooper and has quickly figured out how to minimize the pain by not using her left arm as much as possible. Her skin eventually started to swell and bruise where the break occured. Poor little Siri bug! Seriously, she is pretty tough!
Tylar and Aniston enjoyed "helping" as the carpet was getting cut to get into the basement. We started finishing the basement around Valentine's Day and now we are almost done...probably another 3 or 4 days for all the finishing touches. It has gone crazy fast! Austin has done such a great job coordinating everything and we are excited for the finished project.