Tuesday, May 25, 2010

May 21, 2010 - Uncle Tyler and Liz got married!

May 21, 2010 - Happy Wedding Tyler and Liz! The kids played on raced on the temple grounds all morning!

Aniston, "Uncle", and Tylar Grace.

Our super cute girls! Poor little Tylar was sick, but was such a trooper! Thanks to Grandma Eileen and Grandpa Craig, she was able to go home early.
The super stud......Boston!

Uncle can always get a smile out of our Tylar bug!

My handsome Aussie!

Aniston was a DANCING MACHINE!

She is all girl! Kylee, Meagan, and Aniston watching the happy couple dance.

Aniston danced with everyone!
This is a perfect depiction of how I felt most of the day. Their sealing was very special, but I almost added a "special" vomitting memory to the day.....I have honestly never been that close to throwing up while pregnant. I'm glad I was able to hold it together.

I wish I had video of this kid and her moves!
She loved being in the center of everything.
Dancing with Daddy

And off they go! Happy Wedding!

1 comment:

Jill Bowcutt said...

What a fun wedding! Man, the Sorensos family is growing like crazy. And congrats on the pregnancy! Sorry you're feeling crappy. That makes being a mom kinda tricky.