Thursday, February 28, 2008

February 18, 2008 - Aniston and Ethan took some time to relax on vacation. I don't know what they were watching, but you can tell they were into it.
February 17, 2008 - Austin and Aniston are shocked to hear that the homes we were looking at were worth 20 kabillion dollars....that's a whole lot of pennies!

February 17, 2008 - Here we are at the parade of homes in St. George. Aniston and Daddy are the best of friends!

February 17, 2008 - We went to the parade of homes in St. George for the first time. Aniston didn't care too much for the houses, but loved being able to get out on her private golf course and run around.

February 17, 2008 - Daddy plays barbie's so much better than mommy does. Aniston specifically asked for Daddy to play with her and when mommy came by to check out what was going on she was told, "No mommy." What a cute daddy!

February 16, 2008 - We escaped the cold winter and headed to St. George for President's Day weekend. It was so great to see and feel the sun once again. Aniston and her cousin Ethan were super excited to go swimming in "George". As you can see, Aniston is setting this year's fashion trend --- swimming suit, shoes, and no socks!
February 15, 2008 - Aniston had a quick photo shoot with Aunt Kylee on our way down to St. George. Wind or no wind, she is always so dang cute!

Happy Valentines Day! Our cute Austin/Daddy got all of his girls flowers for Valentine's day. Aniston loved her special pink flower and I'm sure "Baby Coco" loved hers as well! Mommy loved hers can NEVER go wrong with flowers, unless they are carnations.....yikes!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

HAPPY 2nd BIRTHDAY! I can't believe that we have a two year-old! Time goes by way too fast! Our little Aniston is crazy fun and we can't imagine what we would do without her. Here she is enjoying her birthday cake. I would say she had, maybe, a total of 4 bites of cake.

Our pictures from the birthday party accidentally got erased, so here we are singing to her with the left over birthday cake. She loved blowing the candles out. In fact, we lit and blew candles out three different her birthday party, at breakfast, and at dinner.
Aniston is crazy excited to be riding her big-girl bike.

She has only had her bike for a day and is already riding with no hands.

The temperature was almost 50 degrees on Aniston's birthday so we took a good long ride outside. As you can see, the sun was shining nice and bright!

Aniston also got many accessories to her doll house for her birthday. It is amazing to watch a two year-old sit and play by herself for 30 minutes or longer. We love it!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANISTON! It's official, Aniston is TWO! Here she is riding her new bike and lovining it! I guess riding through the wind made her hair mighty voluminous!

Aniston is quite the curious George fan, so we had a monkey party with banana splits and cake. Yea "Monkey George!"