Monday, July 28, 2008

A little dirt never hurt anyone

Saturday, July 26, 2008 - We had an awesome time at the cabin! Aniston needed a couple of bubbles to help clean off the dirt and craw-dad (I just realized I have never written that word and have absolutely no idea how to spell it) residue. This was Aniston's first real "bubble" bath ever. She loved it!
I'm not sure who had more fun. Aniston in the tub or daddy making wild hairdo's for her. Either way, she came out squeeky clean.
After a craw-dad fishing adventure, we took some time to gather more "treasures" (flowers).

I think I will stick with flowers

July 26, 2008 - There has never been a question that Aniston is like her mom in so many ways, but our craw-dad fishing experience made the similarities even more clear. I like to think I am pretty tough and don't get too grossed by stuff, but craw-dads are a different story. Aniston learned a new word, "Hibby-Jibbies". Just looking at the unusually large (I thought) crustaceans (I suppose) absolutely made my skin crawl. Aniston and I stuck to the flowers...beautiful in anyone's eyes.
The trauma of the "crabs" made picking flowers all the better.

It is so fun to see our cute bug explore the world.

Fishing for crabs

July 26, 2008 - We had been talking about craw-dad fishing for sometime and finally got around to it Saturday morning. We walked down to "the lake" with an old ice cream bucket of day old raw chicken, an old shoe lace, and Grandpa Craig's craw-dad fishing expertise.
Even though Grandpa did his share of freaking Aniston out with the "crabs," she still wanted to sit with him and watch mommy and daddy catch a couple more of our yucky friends.
Austin and Dad absolutely loved our craw-dad fishing experience. Who knew that raw chicken could provide so much fun. We caught 13 craw-dads in no time.....seriously! Here is Austin with a couple of the victims. Not to worry, we (meaning Dad and Austin) threw them back in the water.
Aniston was looking into the bucket with the "scary crabs."


July 26, 2008 - Grandpa was loving the craw-dads, but Aniston feelings were not the same. As you can see, she is a little nervous.
I suppose there is nothing wrong with dried craw-dad parts. They're not moving and best of all, they are dead.

Dad and Austin spent some of the morning helping Grandpa Ed burn some of the weeds outside the cabin. It is amazing to watch Grandma and Grandpa Collard...they never stop working so everybody else can have fun.

July 26, 2008 - Aniston is a very good big sister. She gives Tylar soft loves.....
...plays with her.....
....and best of all, shares her toys!
July 25, 2008 - After playing outside and roasting marshmallows, Aniston needed a little cleaning off. As usual, it takes total submersion in the sink to rinse off a dirty face. Aniston and Grandpa Craig always have all sorts of crazy fun.

Is there something on my face?

July 25, 2008 - Although we have a "sugar bug" issue in Aniston's mouth, we don't completely deny her the pleasures of sugar. It only took two marshmallows to get her good and gooey.
This was Aniston's first experience with a campfire. She kept saying that the flames were fireworks and were a little scary. She didn't mind too much, however, after she got her first taste of a roasted marshmallow.
Grandpa and Tylar doing their exercises.

Playing at the cabin

July 25, 2008 - Grandpa Ed let us take his "Trax" machine out for a spin. It was a little bumpy, but overall very fun.

July 25, 2008 - Mommy and Tylar hanging out together

Aniston, Daddy, and Grandma working on a puzzle
Great Grandma Pat and Aniston going for a walk
These little bike things were originally intended for the younger grandchildren in the family. Grandma Pat said that the kids really haven't shown much interest in them and I honestly don't know why...they are so fun! Me, Austin, Mom, and Aniston played and played and played on these things. Seriously, wiggle bike races can get very intense.
Grandma Pat watching "the kids" play.

July 24, 2008 - Here is the crew on their wiggle bikes. Aniston eventually adopted the pink one as her own. After several tests, it was discovered that the blue one had a faulty wheel. Austin's win over Mom is definately "tainted".

Here is our smiley Tylar. She talks and smiles all the time. It is so fun to see them grow and change. She just gets cuter every day!

I guess laying face down in the dirt really does get you dirty. Who knew?

July 24, 2008 - We stopped for lunch at Bridal Veil Falls on the way up to the cabin. We are so blessed to have these girls!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

July 20, 2008 - Tylar was blessed this morning by her dad. It was a beautiful blessing and we had a ton of family that came to support us....thank you! Tylar did amazing on her special day. After everyone left, we relaxed a bit in the bouncy....our cute little bug!

Tylar looking a little "tuckered-out" after her big day.