Sunday, August 24, 2008

August 24, 2008 - Our Girls

August 24, 2008 - I do not normally put Tylar down like this (it is incredibly dangerous) but I was peacefully sitting with my sweet baby when I heard the immediate call to go potty from Aniston. I could tell it was urgent, so I quickly put Tylar down and ran to offer assistance.
*As a side note: My initial post of the big girl underwear came mid-June. After our one day of trying the potty thing I knew that I wasn't ready. However, during the week of July 24 (a month of after the initial introduction of big-girl underwear) I was changing Aniston's diaper and she told me she wanted to wear panties. I told her she could as long as she told me when she needed to go potty....and that was that! The advice that your child will let you know when they are ready is very good advice..... at least that is how it has worked out for us thus far. There has been no stress in this "process" (if you can even call it a process) and we have had very few accidents....way to go little bug!

August 23, 2008 - We love Saturdays because Daddy gets to play with us. We were spending time jumping on our bed and got some super cute pictures of the girls. Here you go....

August 23, 2008 - The many adorable faces of Tylar!

August 23, 2008 - Tylar is just over three months now and seems to be getting cuter each day! I just love these girls of ours!

August 23, 2008 - More of the girls being cute!

Augst 23, 2008 - Sisters

August 20, 2008 - Happy 3 month birthday Tylar! Additionally, Aniston got a super cute haircut this week and we are loving it!

August 14, 2008 - More of Tylar

August 14, 2008 - Tylar just being her sweet self. When she was first born, Tylar cried...a lot! I never really understood what colic was until we went through it. However, Tylar has grown out of that and is as sweet as can be!

Many faces of Tylar Grace

August 14, 2008 - Tylar loves to suck on her well as mine. Fortunately she is not teething, she just loves to munch, munch, munch!

August 9, 2008 - Tylar is not a thumb sucker....she prefers the thumb/pointer combo.

August 8, 2008

August 9 , 2008 - I'm not totally sure what happened, but we were having a lovely afternoon and out of nowhere, the girls lost it at the exact same time.
August 8, 2008 - Aunt Kylee was sleeping over so we thought it would be fun to watch a movie outside. It was super fun, but I think Austin was the only one who made it through the entire movie. We brought out mattresses, blankets, pillows, and treats and had such a fun time, although Aniston was content with the grass.

Miniature golfing experts...almost.
Mommy and the girls
Daddy was helping Aniston with her technique.

August 8, 2008 - Miniature Golfing

August 8, 2008 - I think Aniston was far more interested in the awesome lights than golfing, but who cares?! We had fun either way.
Tylar loves to be outside...
Aniston is a natural. We will see if she love golf as much as her daddy does.

Here is the crew "totally excited" to start our miniature golfing adventure.

August 7, 2008 - Ro's Rangers are the Champions!

August 7, 2008 - Austin, his brothers, and Papa Clair, "Ro's Rangers", (Ro is short for RoAnne...aka Annie...aka Grandma Annie) won the championship title for their softball league. We have had such a fun time going to see them play each week and getting together as a family. I personally love to watch Austin play because he loves to play! I think what I love most is that you can see the little boy who dreamed of going to the Little League World Series come out when he plays....he is so dang cute! Good job Daddy!

Jeremy, Cade, Grandpa Clair, Aaron and Austin
We have been working on sharing (although it is a work in progress) and it seems that both Daddy and Aniston were sharing nicely.

This picture makes me laugh...Aniston is giving and awesome cheeser and her cousin Ethan is devouring his donut in the background. These kids are the best!

August 7, 2008 - What I love about baseball

What I love about baseball: Treats...
We are the champions!

And most of all, Austin! Here is my Aussie...I am so blessed!

August 6, 2008 - You would think that I would know how to pack a diaper bag before I left home, but it seems that I may still need some practice. We had gone over to my parents house and found that I had packed Aniston's old diapers instead of Tylar's. I think her diaper fits nicely, don't you?

August 5, 2008 - This is the cradle that Tylar's Great Grandpa Ed made for his very first grandchild 31 years ago. At the time he didn't intend on having every grandchild/great grandchild sleep in it, but that is what has happened. This cradle has literally flown thousands of miles. Tylar is the 21st to sleep in it. Thanks Grandma and Grandpa Collard for this amazing tradition!
Who needs toys when you have a laundry basket..