Tuesday, October 28, 2008

October 15, 2008 - Aniston and Alli

October 15, 2008 - Although it was so fun to see the girls play together, we wish it could have been under different circumstances. Brooke's Grandma passed away unexpectedly so Tim, Brooke, Alli, and Kennedy flew out to Utah for a week.

Put your hands high in the air.
"Where is your belly button?"

"Thumbs up!"

October 13, 2008 - Aniston and Tylar together.

Oh no! Where's Frosty? - October 12, 2008

October 12, 2008 - We woke up to snow and we thought that Aniston would be very excited. As soon as she looked out side she said, "Oh no! Where's Frosty?!?"

As you can see, she was very concerned about Frosty.
After church Aniston zonked out!

Yumm! - October 10, 2008

October 10, 2008 - Tylar tried rice cereal for the first time tonight and did a very good job! It took a couple of bites to figure out what was going on, but after that I would say that she started to like it.

Girls, girls, girls!

October 6, 2008 - We're ready for bed! Jammies..check! Princess crown...check! Wedding shoes...check! Toys...check!

October 8, 2008 - Tylar is almost over.
October 9, 2008 - Cute!

Conference at the cabin - October 4, 2008

Mom, watch me somersault - October 3, 2008

Aniston is quite coordinated for a two year-old. I really do need to get her into a tumbling class. She would love it! "In three easy steps, you too can learn to do a somersault. First, stand up straight and smile....
Second, put your head on the ground and walk your feet toward your face and.... Finally, you push over!

Hello Tylar! - October 2, 2008

Wheeler Farm Fieldtrip - October 2, 2008

Align LeftOctober 2, 2008 - Aniston and the Joy School crew took a fieldtrip to Wheeler Farm. It was our (Aniston, Tylar, and myself) third time at Wheeler farm in about seven days. Honestly, what is more fun than a free morning enjoying the stinky animals and leaves. That wasn't meant to sound sarcastic, I/we really do enjoy the farm! Below you can see Nelson, Kennedee, Beth and Aniston with their "view finders" that we made earlier that week. Next to Beth, Aniston is the oldest of kids. However, she is only older than Kennedee by two days and Nelson by a month...needless to say, she is a small bite. The picture below looks like a "Guiness Book of World Records" photo. Either the world's "largest horse" or the world's "smallest two year-old. Take your pick.

The geese were much more enjoyable this trip for three reasons: 1) The kids stayed in the stroller, protected from the ferocious birds; 2) The bread intended for the birds was consumed by the little ones; 3) We stayed on the opposite side of the "lake" from the super crazy/big/scary geese.
Our greatest treasure of the day...a feather!