Thursday, May 28, 2009

April 17/22, 2009

April 22, 2009 - We had a fun day at the zoo with Gabe and Faith. Right after this picture was taken we headed towards the giraffe's. For those who don't know the lay out of Hogle Zoo, there is quite a steep hill in between the African Cats and the Giraffes. Aniston thought she could run as fast as a cheetah! Needless to say, Aniston was zooming down the hill...almost faster than her legs could handle. As I turned around to see the smoke coming from her shoes I started to yell, "Walkwalkwalkwalkwalkwalk!" Immediately the expression on her face went from excitement to terror as she realized that she had two more seconds before she would become one with the ground. Without even thinking, I let go of the stroller to turn around and catch her before she lost all of her teeth from the impact. I caught her in time and, very fortunately, my dear neighbor Nanette caught Tylar in the stroller. Phew! Thank heavens we prayed for safety at the zoo!

April 17, 2009 - "Look mommy, I decorated the potty!"
Tylar and her crazy hair!
Tylar can sign and say "cheese." It sounds more like "sheese."

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