Sunday, May 02, 2010

April 10, 2010 - Quick visit to Logan

April 10, 2010 - Although Tylar is a superb sleeper at home, she does not do so well ANYWHERE else. Instead of battling through the night, we took a day trip to visit Great Grandma and Gradpa Sorenson. We always love to visit! A special bonus on this trip was Jackson. Aniston loves this dog, and I can't blame her. I don't think I ever want a dog, but if I were to have one, it would have to be exactly like Jackson! He is the sweetest thing you can find!
I love that my girls are able to create memories with Grandma and Grandpa like I was able to. I can't tell you how many times I have spun around these poles on the back porch....
....or sat right here on a warm summer's night.
Tylar loves to visit with Great Grandma Lois!
We "helped" Uncle Brad prune the trees.

Uncle Brad was busy at work!
The girls were perfect angels while we picked up the limbs!
Jackson just laid there while Aniston snuggled in. Seriously, he is the best dog EVER!
When all the work was done, Aniston and Tylar got to help give Jackson a bath. Unfortunately, just moments after this picture Tylar accidentally got drenched by the hose. Her face was priceless. She went from complete shock to tears in seconds. It was a total accident, but poor Uncle Brad felt so bad.
Although Grandpa just had his 88th birthday, he didn't pass up a chance to swing around with Austin.
Fortunately for me, Austin didn't marry me for my golfing skills.

I will treasure these pictures forever!

**Earlier in the afternoon Aniston lost the cap/filling of one of her front teeth on one of Grandma's Wearther (sp?) caramels. If you look close enough, you can see that her smile is a bit off.

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