Monday, March 07, 2011

February 27/28 & March 3/4, 2011 (Week 10)

February 27, 2011 - Here are a couple of photos Aniston took in the back of the car on the way home from church:

February 28, 2011 - Tylar is a very passionate, strong-willed, independent little person. You cannot make her do something that she has set her mind against. It is truly amazing! We have definately had a battle of wills over the past couple of months. We are learning together and it is taking every ounce of my patience, but that is what this is all about. I am grateful for the gift of patience because I desperately need it with our Tylar bug. You might as well throw out any trick or tactic that may have worked with Aniston because Tylar is a entirely different game.
On this particular day we were having a lovely morning. The girls were playing well and I was ready to hop in the shower. As I was almost in I heard the screaming begin. You see, Tylar was playing with one of the Polly Pocket dolls and was trying to get a miniscule pair of pants or shirt or something tiny on it. Needless to say, she was not having any success and quickly got frustrated. I asked if she would like me to help and she immediately barked, "No!". Although this kind of disrespect is not tolerated, I really wanted to shower and was honestly not in the mood to have an exhausting "teaching moment."
Instead of sending her to her room and having to come up with a consequence, I said, "Fine." I took Siri into my room, locked the door (locking out the screaming child) and proceeded to take a shower. I could hear her screaming the entire time. Not screaming at me, screaming because she was frustrated with the doll.
When I got out of the shower, Tylar had gone through her phases of anger, real anger, and then sorrow. She was now ready for help. After getting dressed, I opened my door to a sad, wet, crying face and hugged her. Aniston was quick on her heals with a huge smile and camera in hand. She said she was taking pictures while I was in the shower and this is what I found: (Please don't be alarmed by these photos...remember, she is not hurt, but upset about the Polly doll's clothes :))

This makes me chuckle and shake my head. I love the random, different shots taken among the crying Tylar. In the end, all was well and I put on the Polly shirt/pants/dress/whatever and all was well.
March 3, 2011 - Siri bug

March 4, 2011 - We love these girls!

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