Wednesday, July 07, 2010

May 29, 2010 - We are getting you out of the house!

May 29, 2010 - As you know, this pregnancy has been VERY different from my girls. I have been so sick (although I'm sure it is nothing compared to those poor women who throw-up non-stop and never get relief). We got out of house for a much needed trip up to the cabin. On the way up I wasn't feeling great, but was managing just fine as long as I didn't get too hot. Nobody said they were uncomfortably cold, but when I looked around to check on Aniston, this is what I found. I asked her why the blanket was on her head and she told me that her ears were FREEZING! She is so resourceful! I did turn the air down afer that. Tylar wasn't too cold to fall asleep.
We love being up at the cabin with the family!

1 comment:

The Sorensons said...

I couldn't stop laughing at Aniston with a blanket over her ears! Oh, the things our families have to go through while we're pregnant...